Monday, 24 January 2011

Successfully Sat!!!!!!!!! Mon 24.01.11

Well, I have just got in from the ride that happened against all of the odds!!!!

My husband said he'd come home for an hour at lunchtime so that I could ride my mare in the paddock and he could be with me. I started trying to get my mare in at 12.30 and 4 attempts later at 1.15 I still hadn't managed to catch her. She was pulling faces, runnign off, coming up to me and then turning to put her bum in my face...what a performance!

I eventually managed to catch her on my 5th attempt just as my husband returned home. I brought her in and gave her a quick groom, eventually picked out her feet after 7 attempts to do the first one!!!! Jumped on and rode out into the paddock.

Sshe hadn't given up there.....she napped 6 times at the gate before I could even get her to go in! So, eventually I rode her in and decided to walk her around the edge of the paddock doing 10m circles along the way, in the hope that she would start to listen to me.....

That went well, so I asked her to trot and she trotted around on the right rein very steadily and calmly and we did a few laps of the paddock. I then changed reins onto the left rein and the napping begain again. She was determined to get back to the gate and we kept ending up in that corner and then she would turn back round to the left just at the last minute. I was trying really hard to remember everything my instructor has taught me, but clearly I wasn't putting it into action!!! Anyway, remaining calm I asked her to trot and we had two less steady trots around the paddock with napping each time at the gate. The third time round at the other end of the paddock from the gate she obviously decided she had had enough, so dropped her right shoulder and launched herself to the left!!!!

My left foot came out of the stirrup and I could feel myself starting to go, but I was determined I was not going to fall. She kept trying to run off, but I still had my right stirrup, so I put all my weight in it, sat up tall, and sat it out, managing to bring her back to half and getting my left stirrup back. RESULT!!!!! YES!!!!

Normally I would have wanted to cry at this point and get off, but I just decided to walk her round and calm her down, and then ask for the trot again. This time we trotted all the way round, in a slightly un-balanced fashion I'll admit, but nevertheless we did it, and she didn't nap, and then we came in......

Is this really me writing this??????????? Can't wait to tell my instructor tomorrow.....

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