Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Tuesday 8th March 2011 - Spring has Sprung! Canter Canter........

Isn't it funny when you suddenly realise how far you've come? Its like you're making laods of progress but it still just sits under the rader until something triggers the realisation.

My realisation came today when I was out riding across the huge field next to us that when my mare really began to walk out (and she never walks out, believe me, she really does plod...unless she is being a bit spooky), I was up for it just as much as she was. And it felt really cool to have a horse under me that felt like she was up for it!!!!! Whoa, hold up, I hear you say, what's going on???? I thought you were a nervous rider???

Well, I still am nervous about lots ot things to do with riding, but the point is I'm heading in the right direction. I've learnt that if we go across the big field on a long rein that Kermit will just walk, but that if I shorten them up she'll jog.... I've also learnt that if I check her she will come back to me, and as for voice, well that is the absolute beauty of her. One 'whoa' in canter and she's back to walk before you know it.

Oh yes, that brings me on to the small matter of the lovely balanced canter we had up the field

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