Sunday, 3 April 2011

Bucked Off - Sat 26th March 2011

Had a lesson this morning schooling my mare in the paddock and was working on my technique to master her napping at the gate. My instructor described what I should do in a different way today, by asking me to create a barrier with my outside leg and rein, to stop her from being able to move to the outside - something clicked and I finally started to get it - and it worked!

My mare was schooling really well, I was managing to stop the napping, and we were going round in a lovely balanced trot, and we had gone past the gate several times, when on about the 4th approach to the gate, she suddenly quickened right up and started to lean on the bit. I felt like she was going to try and nap, and put my barrier in place and put leg on to ask her to move forward, but lost my balance slightly and my feet went through the irons. Instead of asking her to come back to walk, I was so determined to conquer the nap that I asked her to keep going, which she did, but just after we passed the gate, she put in a massive buck and I was catapulted off, landing on my head and then lower back. Thankfully I landed on mossy paddock, and she stopped to eat the grass.....

I heard my instructor saying "Oh Dear, are you OK?" as he went over to hold my mare as I picked myself up. I felt abit dizzy and stiff, but other than that completely fine. I had a quick stretch and my instructor asked me if I wanted him to ride her, to which I replied "No, I want to get straight back on. I'm fine, let's get this sorted out".

TALK ABOUT A LIGHT BULB MOMENT!!!! Are any of you in shock???? What a major breakthrough.
I got back on, asked her to walk on, and then started to get the giggles. I felt such an odd combination of feelings and emotions including relief, thanks, pride, courage, strength, determination, but absolutely NO FEAR!!!!!

I waked around for a couple more minutes and then spent ten minutes asking for short trot sequences, some past the gate, making sure that I was relaxed, sitting up straight, hands carried high, with heels down. I then called it a day, and felt like I was now a real horse owner and not a faker!!!!! It felt weirdly like I had collected my first trophy!!!????

I felt like I had dealt with it in the same way I would if the children had a tantrum - ignore their reaction and quietly and calmly ask them to do what I wanted them to do again, until they started to listen to me.

I am so, so proud of myself.

Then my husband arrived home with the round pen that we've hired for two weeks - Join Up is next on the agenda.......

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