Oh my goodness me - this join up malarkey is rather more involved when you move off shetlands and onto big cob girls!!!!!!
I think pretty much, my mare was just shrugging her shoulders at me, and if she could speak would have been quoting the words of Catherine Tate i.e. "Am I bovvered????" !!!!!
So, it took me a few minutes to start to get to get to grips with the amount of energy I would need to use to drive her away properly, and to really focus on my body language, keeping eyes on eyes and shoulders square.
She trotted away, and then she decided to change direcetion, and then stopped for a poo - clearly I was missing some basic Join Up skills!!!!! It was also windy as could be, so every time I tried to throw the line at her it just kept landing back on my feet - hilarious really!!!! I think me trying to do join up with my mare could become a good income generating spectator sport!!!!!!
OK, it was time to get serious!!!! I took a breather (as I was now quite red faced and puffing a bit!!!), doubled over my line to give it some more weight, and tried flapping it across my body and started using my vocal making a sssshhhhhhing sound, but very loudly!!
Good, so I got a response, and although only got a bit of cantering, she was trotting round well. I managed to get her to change direcetion and then after another 5 laps changed her direction again.
I was starting to see the signs of negotiation.....her ear was starting to lock in and her head was lowering. There wasn't any licking and chewing but her circles were starting to get smaller - was it time???????
I turned inwards, drop my shoulder and waited, and waited some more....nothing. She was looking in but she wasn't advancing towards me. So I walked quickly towards her in an arc, waited next to her for a couple of seconds, and then walked away....nothing.
I walked over to her again, waited for a few seconds, gave her a rub, and then gently pulled her headcollar to show her what I was hoping for. I let go, and she did take a couple of steps with me - pretty good......
But then I lost her to her one true love, to whom she will always be loyal.......grass!
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